2017 BHaven Vegtable Garden Report

2017 was an interesting year for the BHaven Vegtable Garden.

Lettuces - in general, the lettuces did real well.  Planted as seedlings.

Kale - grew well, but when the weather turned warm, the catepillers wiped them out.  Planted as seedlings.

Onions - did very well.  Planted as seedlings.

Leeks - did very well.  Planted as seedlings.

Celery - did very well.  Planted as seedlings.

Carrots - did very well.  Started as seeds and then transplanted. 

Beets - grew like crazy.  Started as seeds and then transplanted

Broccoli - grew very well, but the catepillars wiped out the fruit.

Cauliflower - grew very well, but the catepillars wiped out the fruit.

Bergamot - did ok but died back in the winter.  This is supposed to be a perennial - so it should come back.

Garlic - did poorly.  Pretty much did not come up at all.

Asparagus - planted three asparagus beds.  They seem to be doing well.  I will let them get established for a year or two before harvesting.

I continuosly add raw, used goat bedding - pine shavings.  Apparently it is not too hot.  It does a great job of holding in the water and it breaks down into a rich composte.  There is now at least a foot of composte in the vegatable garden.