
OLTP Database & OLAP: PhD Thesis Overview Part 3

OLTP Database & OLAP: PhD Thesis Overview Part 3

Now that I’ve presented an overview of OLTP Database & OLAP as well as addressed the problems found during my research, I’ll now list list of projects and papers that currently comprise my PhD Thesis.

1. A new type of OLAP hypercube that links cells to the underlying OLTP database.

This work was written in C. I used the Network Data Stream as an implementation example. The Network Data Stream is defined to be: {content, time stamp, destination
ip, destination location, destination port, mail bcc, mail cc, mail file name, mail recipient, mail sender, mail subject, protocol, size, source ip, source location, source port}.

OLTP Database & OLAP: PhD Thesis Overview Pt 2

OLTP Database & OLAP: PhD Thesis Overview Pt 2

In my last blog post, I presented an overview of OLTP and OLAP. I would now like to address two problems with OLTP database and OLAP that I have found in my research.

2 Problems with OLTP Database & OLAP

Problem 1: The OLTP database is not linked to the OLAP hypercube. The OLAP hypercube is unable to provide query details (by design). In general, this is ok for queries that are focused on trend analysis. But what about anomaly detection, outliers, forensics, or security? In these cases, a count of 1 is significant and the desire is to obtain quick details.

PhD Thesis Overview

PhD Thesis Overview

A PhD Thesis is not a single paper or project but rather a body of work. It is a progression of projects, papers, and research which is hopefully under the umbrella of a single unifying theme or subject.

With that said, the subject of my thesis is “Streaming OLAP”, where OLAP is OnLine Analytical Processing. OLAP is a contrast to OLTP, which is OnLine Transaction Processing. So how do OLTP, OLAP, and Streaming OLAP relate to each other?

OLTP can be thought of as traditional processing performed on relational databases. These databases typically consisted of megabytes of data. This was back in the 1970s. Such database queries were highly detailed and required fast response times.