Computer Engineering

SMP: Symmetric Multi-Processor User Processes (Part 3)

SMP: Symmetric Multi-Processor User Processes (Part 3)

Continuing on the information presented in Part 1:  The Symmetric Multi Processor (SMP) scaling problem and Part 2: The Performance Solution as presented by Pyramid Technology, my comments were addressed at the kernel.  But what about user processes?  Do they also need to use locking?

The answer is yes, if multiple processes share the same physical memory.  This can occur with Shared Memory. User space proccesses use Shared Memory so that proccesses can easily and quickly share data.  Shared Memory is the fastest Inter Process Communication(IPC) mechanism that can be employed.  But it does have a cost (alas nothing is free): lack of synchronization.

SMP: Solving The Performance Problem (Part 2)

SMP: Solving The Performance Problem (Part 2)

In my last blog post, I described the SMP problem.  How adding cpus to an SMP system does not necessarily reliably increase performance.

Pyramid Technology solved this problem by decreasing the granularity of the lock.  This means that the amount of real estate that was controlled by the lock, was decreased.  Thus instead of a single lock for the entire kernel, multiple locks were added for the kernel.  That is, locks were added for each major data structure: Process Table, Schedular, File Systems, etc.

Openstack Swift TempAuth Module

Openstack Swift TempAuth Module

Last time I presented a Swift REST API example. Now I’ll explain the Openstack Swift Test Authentication and Authorization System (tempauth). This is an excellent authentication module for Swift All In One (SAIO) and for development work.

Add Tempauth to Openstack Swift Proxy Server

The first thing that you will need to do is to add tempauth to the Proxy Server configuration. So make sure that the following is in proxy-server.conf:

Swift REST API Example

Swift REST API Example

Last post I explained REST interfaces, and promised to use a Swift REST API as an example.   This application programming interface (API) supports the following operations.

1)  Swift REST API Authorization


This operation is used to obtain an authorization token and URL for agiven user login and password.   This token and URL are then used in any subsequent operations.

  • URL Data: None.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-User = user login.
    • X-Auth-Key = user password.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Date = current date.
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token, input for subsequent operations.
    • X-Storage-Token = storage token, input for subsequent operations.
    • X-Storage-Url = storage URL, input for subsequent operations.
  • HTTP Data: None.

2) Swift REST API Account


Mark an account as deleted.   Swift REST API will clean up the account as time permits.

  • URL Data: None.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.


Get the list of containers in an account.

  • URL Data: None.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters:
    • format=type : return http data in “json” or “xml” format.
    • limit=number : limit the number of returned containers.
    • marker=filter : provide a filter. The returned list of containers will start after “filter”.
  • Response Headers:
    • Accept-Ranges = always “bytes”. This header will eventually comply with the http “range” header.
    • Content-Length = the number of bytes in http data.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
    • X-Account-Bytes-Used = the number of bytes used in the account. Keep in mind that this field is updated in a lazy fashion.
    • X-Account-Container-Count = the number of containers in the account.
    • X-Account-Object-Count = the number of objects in the account. Keep in mind that this field is updated in a lazy fashion.
  • HTTP Data: The list of containers for the account.


Get account statistics.

  • URL Data: None.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Accept-Ranges = always “bytes”. This header will eventually comply with the http “range” header.
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
    • X-Account-Bytes-Used = the number of bytes used in the account. Keep in mind that this field is updated in a lazy fashion.
    • X-Account-Container-Count = the number of containers in the account.
    • X-Account-Object-Count = the number of objects in the account. Keep in mind that this field is updated in a lazy fashion.
  • HTTP Data: None.


  • Post meta-data to an account.
  • URL Data: None.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers:
    • X-Account-Meta-* = the user can create a account meta-data header. Such headers are of the form: “key value”.   The resulting account header will be: “X-Account-Meta-key: value”
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.


Create an account.

  • URL Data: None.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers:
    • X-Account-Meta-* = the user can create a account meta-data header. Such headers are of the form: “key value”.   The resulting account header will be: “X-Account-Meta-key: value”
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.

3) Swift REST API Container


Mark a container as deleted. Swift will clean up the container as time permits.

  • URL Data: Container name.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.


Get the list of objects in a container.

  • URL Data: Container name.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters:
    • delimiter=char: apply a character as a “delimiter” to the list of objects.
    • format=type : return http data in “json” or “xml” format.
    • limit=number : limit the number of returned objects.
    • marker=filter : provide a filter. The returned list of objects will start after “filter”.
    • path=string : for object names with embedded slashes (/).
    • prefix=string : The returned list of objects will start with “string”.
  • Response Headers:
    • Accept-Ranges = always “bytes”. This header will eventually comply with the http “range” eader.
    • Content-Length = the number of bytes in http data.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
    • X-Container-Bytes-Used = the number of bytes used in the container.
    • X-Container-Object-Count = the number of objects in the container.
  • HTTP Data: The list of objects for the container.


Get container statistics.

  • URL Data: Container name.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Accept-Ranges = always “bytes”. This header will eventually comply with the http “range” header.
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
    • X-Container-Bytes-Used = the number of bytes used in the container.
    • X-Container-Object-Count = the number of objects in the container.
  • HTTP Data: None.


  • Post meta-data to a container.
  • URL Data: Container name.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers:
    • X-Container-Meta-* = the user can create a container meta-data header. Such headers are of the form: “key value”. The resulting container header will be: “X-Container-Meta-key: value”
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.


Create a container.

  • URL Data: Container name.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers:
    • X-Account-Meta-* = the user can create a account meta-data header. Such headers are of the form: “key value”.   The resulting account header will be: “X-Account-Meta-key: value”
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.

4) Swift REST API Object


Copy an object from one container to another.

  • URL Data: src_container/src_object.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
    • Destination = /<dest_container>/<dest_object>
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
    • Etag = checksum of new object data.
    • Last-Modified = the data that the source object was last changed.
    • X-Copied-From = source container and object.
    • X-Object-Meta-* = user defined meta data.
  • HTTP Data: None.


Delete an object from a container.

  • URL Data: container/object.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers: None.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.


Get an object from a container.

  • URL Data: container/object.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers:
    • If-Match: etag = return the object data if there is an etag match.
    • If-Modified-Since: date = return the object data if it was modified since “data”.
    • If-None-Match: etag = return the object data if there is no etag match.
    • If-Unmodified-Since: date = return the object data if it was unmodified since “data”.
    • Range: bytes = return the specified object byte range.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = number of bytes in http data.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
    • Etag = checksum of object data.
    • Last-Modified = the data that the object was last changed.
    • X-Object-Meta-* = user defined meta data.
  • HTTP Data: Object data.


Post meta-data to an object.

  • URL Data: container/object.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers:
    • X-Object-Meta-* = the user can create an object meta-data header. Such headers are of the form: “key value”.   The resulting object header will be: “X-Object-Meta-key: value”
    • X-Delete-After: seconds = delete the object after “seconds”.
    • X-Delete-At: seconds = delete the object after current time + “seconds”.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
  • HTTP Data: None.


Create an object in a container.

  • URL Data: container/object.
  • Required Request Headers:
    • X-Auth-Token = authorization token.
  • Optional Request Headers:
    • X-Object-Manifest = indicates that this object is a manifest, that is, contains an ordered list of data objects.   This header is used to support objects larger than4GB.
    • X-Object-Meta-* = the user can create an object meta-data header. Such headers are of the form: “key value”.   The resulting object header will be: “X-Object-Meta-key: value”
    • Transfer-Encoding = use transfer encoding.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Response Headers:
    • Content-Length = always zero.
    • Content-Type = http data content type.
    • Date = current date.
    • Etag = checksum of object data.
    • Last-Modified = the data that the object was last changed.
    • X-Object-Meta-* = user defined meta data.
  • HTTP Data: None.

What would you add to this Swift REST API example?

Swift Storage Devices

Swift Storage Devices

In a previous blog, I presented the topology of Openstack Swift Object Storage.   That is, how Swift uses XFS  to store Accounts, Containers, and Objects.

A separate Account Database is created for each Account and an Account Database is a SQLite  instantiation in the file system. An Account Database consists of a Account Stat Table and a Container Table. The Account Stat Table contains meta-data for that specific account.   The Container Table contains an entry for each container in that account.

Openstack Swift Database Performance Improvements Part 2

Openstack Swift Database Performance Improvements Part 2

In my previous Openstack post I established the groundwork for my proposed solution to improve the performance of Openstack Swift Database that consists of two parts: MySQL and Database Chunking.

Database Performance with Openstack Improvement: MySQL

For the first part of the solution, I propose replacing SQLite with MySQL as a database engine. As the name implies, SQLite is fine for small databases, but has performance problems with larger Openstack databases. MySQL is perfect for this problem, since a database is represented as a file system directory, and database tables are represented as files.

Openstack Swift Database Performance Part 1

Openstack Swift Database Performance Part 1

In my last two posts (Python’s Strengths & Weaknesses) I have been describing the operation of Openstack Swift Storage. Swift storage basically consists of four components: Ring, Database, Zones, and File system. I’m proposing some performance improvements to this design. But first we need to understand the Swift database schema. An Openstack Account Database consists of two tables: Account Stat and Container. And a Container Database consists of two tables: Container Stat and Object.

Python: It’s Programming Strengths

Python: It’s Programming Strengths

Python is a relatively new programming language. It can be thought of an extension of Perl. Essentially Python is an interpreter. In my current position as a Cloud Architect at Internap, I have been exclusively using it on the OpenStack project.

Though I am not an expert in Python (been using it for less than a year), I am an accomplished programmer in other languages like C. With this experience I bring a different viewpoint to the Python discussion. As a Python newbie, I understand that it has a different perspective than C. I am not opposed to change. I am not stuck in the past. I embrace the rapid progress in the computer engineering community.